Monday 14th: Our phone lines are currently down. Please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Dear valued BayFit Member,

As you may be aware, Leisure Management Services (LMS), the current managers of the BayFit Aquatic Centre, have agreed to assign the management to BlueFit, an experienced leisure facility operator now located in Victoria.  BlueFit will assume management control of your facility on Thursday 1st November 2018.

The overarching message is that the programs and services that you have come to expect at your facility will still very much be a part of our operation when the doors open next Thursday.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my membership price remain the same?

Yes it will.  Your membership price will be unchanged following the transition.  The prices for the facility are set by Hobson’s Bay City Council and are reviewed each year as part of the overall Council fees and charges schedule.  Price rises traditionally occur around July 1 of each year, so there will be no immediate plans to review pricing. BlueFit will engage in the standard council process some time in 2019.

Will my direct debit arrangements be the same? Will I need to give my bank details again?

Your direct debit details will remain exactly the same.  Debit authority is with the facility and will transfer. You do not need to provide your banking details again.

Will the group fitness timetable be changing?  Will we lose classes?

The group fitness timetable will remain exactly the same following the transition. We do hope the instructors are keen to continue. As with any facility that BlueFit manage, we will engage in a robust review process in consultation with staff and members throughout the year and determine what classes are working, which ones are not and what new classes do we want to add.  We will always communicate openly with our members if changes are to be made to the timetable in future.

Will the staff be the same?

It is hoped that the majority of staff commit to the centre following transition and continue to serve you, our valued members.  So we expect you will see the same smiling, happy faces, just in a new uniform

Will the operating hours of the facility change?

The operating hours will remain the same.  Whilst we have no timelines on this project, BlueFit will continue to review the potential introduction of 24/7 access to the gym.

Will BlueFit be adding anything new to the centre or making any improvements?

Immediate improvements will be made, however we are hesitant to list potential new programs and services until we get there and meet you all. The facility has received new spin bikes and the accessible changeroom near the spa and steam room will be reinstated in the next couple of weeks. Council and BlueFit will work closely to determine the future of the steam room. There are strong intentions from BlueFit to engage in some minor painting works around high traffic areas and changerooms before the end of 2018 as well and doing some detailed cleaning across the facility to improve the overall experience and enjoyment of our members.

What does all of this really mean and how does it affect me?

It shouldn’t affect you much at all, other than there is a new leadership team pushing to improve your services.

Will Swim School be changing?

Everything will stay the same with Swim school at this stage and Carlile will continue to run the program.

What will happen with my crèche bookings?

All crèche bookings will be carried across to BlueFit, so continue booking in as normal. We are working through a lengthy process to transfer the crèche license.

For urgent questions on this transition please feel free to make contact through the website, otherwise we will see on the 1st with plenty of info then.


Todd McHardy


BlueFit Pty Ltd

