Monday 14th: Our phone lines are currently down. Please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Meet Our Staff Member: Shannen

Meet Shannen!

He has been working at BayFit for 6 years. You may have seen him on the gym floor interacting with members, taking boot camp and FX30 classes, helping members with our Fit Journey program or helping out all over the centre as he is very versatile. We asked him a few questions to get to know him even more.

Favourite movie? Man on fire

Favourite food? Quiche

What team do you go for in AFL? Collingwood

Any hobbies? I play footy, enjoy watching movies and following sport!

Any siblings? I have a family of 3 brothers and 7 sisters!

What’s your favourite part about the health and fitness industry?
I like the social side of the health and fitness industry and how you can impact people’s lives in a positive way. Also how it impacts my own life by gaining the knowledge to live a healthy life

Say hello to Shannen if you see him on your next visit!
