Monday 14th: Our phone lines are currently down. Please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Another Tough Bootcamp Completed

8 weeks of hard work done and dusted! Well done to everyone who participated.

A massive congratulations to all of our members who have just completed their 8-week boot camp program! Our program ran across 9 different BlueFit sites with over 850 participants. Despite some states suffering poor weather, we were able to maintain a 60% attendance rate  for the entirety of the 8 weeks. A couple of the stand-out favourite sessions were the Military Poker & the Ball Grab, loved so much that we have been asked to add them to the regular group fitness timetable!

For all of those who participated it has been 8 weeks full of dedication, determination, enthusiasm and plenty of sweat! Despite some challenging times you have all pushed through and together you have successfully transformed as a community.

We are so unbelievably proud of you all, your hard work and performance has been nothing short of inspiring! We cannot thank you all enough for attending the lessons, putting in the ground work and making this all possible. The last 8 weeks is only the beginning of a healthier, fitter and stronger lifestyle. We look forward to seeing you all again soon!
